Thursday, May 19, 2011

I did it!

Well I'm just letting all you blog readers know that I did graduate almost 2 weeks ago on May 6th, at the SHEM homeschool graduation. Rick Boyer spoke and we threw our hat's in the air (even though it was against the rules of the convention center to do so ;) ). I waited so long to post because I was waiting for pictures to be uploaded, then I got tired of waiting and just uploaded them my self.
 So now begins the next chapter in my life, where I wait to see what God has for me....and write a lot of thank you notes...Are thank you notes really necessary if you already said thank you in person? I'm just wondering..Anyway, here is the best picture I have right now:

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Last Days of Being a High Schooler

So today and tomorrow are my last 2 days of being a homeschool high school student....Wow it just hit me that I'll no longer be able to call myself a student, since I'm not going to collage (see last post) and I don't have a job, what will I call myself? a daughter? a person? I know! I'll call myself Kylie the Great, and I'll conquer the world!! yeah that sounds like a good idea, I just need some followers, an army and a game plan...nah, I don't know what I would do with the world if I had it. I guess I don't need to have any sort of title, I can just be me..ok this post is getting corny fast....this is what happens when I start writing a post without any idea where I'm going to go with it....anyway...Friday I am graduating along with 30 something other homeschoolers (who are also loosing their identity) at the homeschooling convention. although I'm sure many (if not most) of them are planning on going to get some higher education and therefore can still call themselves students if they want to.
 As I am typing this post, I am supposed to be packing up as we are staying in a hotel across the street from the convention over the weekend. I just thought I should write my 4th and last post as a "soon to be" homeschool graduate. So here it is. hope you like it. after graduation I'll write all about it and maybe even have some pics :)