Alright, so I'm not very good at keeping up with this blog, I tend to forget about it, but now I'm posting so be happy ;)
This has been quite the year, first off, and this maybe be news to some of you (or maybe I'm over estimating who reads my blog), we started going to a new church, I wasn't planning on leaving James River at all, I just saw the church sign and knew we were supposed to go there, didn't think we would start going so quickly though. Now I am playing guitar on the worship team at Transforming Life Church, honestly I didn't think I would ever get to do that at any church, at least not until I was older and more experienced, but this kinda fell into my lap.
Something I've been learning is that life is not only full of change but it IS change, it can change for better or worse, but "we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28).
It seems the only constant is change, but actually there are 2 constants: change and God, who makes and/or allows the change to happen.
I got a job babysitting last month, this month I lost it, but I know God has something for me, so it doesn't bother me, He told me awhile back, while I was looking for a job, to not worry about it, so that's what I'm going to do, trust Him for something better. When God changes or takes away something in my life, I've learned to, instead of freaking out like I used to, just wonder what God is up to, and it's usually something really cool that I couldn't have done if that change hadn't happened.
So to live a needle and haystack life, don't fear change, if there was no change, miracles wouldn't happen