Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Impacting your needle and haystack world

Everyone wants to have an impact in their community, if not the world. What if I told you you already make an impact?..don't believe me? I'll prove it to you...who is it that has made the biggest difference in your life? Was it Billy Graham? Bono? Gandhi? the President? perhaps, but not likely. More likely you're thinking of your Sunday school teachers, school teachers, close friends, family, and other mentors that are close to you.

 People tend to think of making an impact as something really big and noticeable, like a tent revival, or giant fund raiser or even running for office, if you're into that sort of thing. But I'm here to tell you that just by living, by interacting with the world around you, the choices you make, the words you say, the things you do, all on their own, make an impact. And you do not know who the people you impact will impact in turn. You don't know how a little thing can make a huge differences in someones life, where that life will go as a result, what other lives will be touched by that life you touched. Everyone has a purpose and everything happens for a reason..The people that made the biggest differences in my life where not the people who put on the concerts, who spoke at a big conference, who raised tons of money for a good cause. It's the Sunday school teacher who had me memorize memory verses and taught me valuable lessons, the friends that were there for me even when I didn't think I needed anyone, the friend that told me that I was worth more than I thought, my family that teaches me just about everything, and all the other people in my life God is teaching me to love.
 Those are the people who made (and are making) a difference in my life. Now I'm not saying that we shouldn't do things like fund raisers or run for office, somebody's got to, but not everyone is called to, and if you're one of those that isn't, don't be discouraged. God made you for a purpose greater than you can think of, I once thought I was supposed to do something big like the things I mentioned, but I found that what God is having me do now is much better. And maybe you are one of those people, it may not be your time yet, be patient, it will come only when you are ready, not when you think you are.
If you are successful in something big, don't let it get to your head, that's not your greatest achievement, the little differences you made in the lives of those around you are your greatest achievements.
 That's what it means to live a needle and haystack life.                                              
                                                    "In this needle and haystack life,
                                               I've found miracles there in your eyes.
                                                   It's no accident we're here tonight.
                                                     We are once in a lifetime" -Switchfoot

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I did it!

Well I'm just letting all you blog readers know that I did graduate almost 2 weeks ago on May 6th, at the SHEM homeschool graduation. Rick Boyer spoke and we threw our hat's in the air (even though it was against the rules of the convention center to do so ;) ). I waited so long to post because I was waiting for pictures to be uploaded, then I got tired of waiting and just uploaded them my self.
 So now begins the next chapter in my life, where I wait to see what God has for me....and write a lot of thank you notes...Are thank you notes really necessary if you already said thank you in person? I'm just wondering..Anyway, here is the best picture I have right now:

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Last Days of Being a High Schooler

So today and tomorrow are my last 2 days of being a homeschool high school student....Wow it just hit me that I'll no longer be able to call myself a student, since I'm not going to collage (see last post) and I don't have a job, what will I call myself? a daughter? a person? I know! I'll call myself Kylie the Great, and I'll conquer the world!! yeah that sounds like a good idea, I just need some followers, an army and a game plan...nah, I don't know what I would do with the world if I had it. I guess I don't need to have any sort of title, I can just be me..ok this post is getting corny fast....this is what happens when I start writing a post without any idea where I'm going to go with it....anyway...Friday I am graduating along with 30 something other homeschoolers (who are also loosing their identity) at the homeschooling convention. although I'm sure many (if not most) of them are planning on going to get some higher education and therefore can still call themselves students if they want to.
 As I am typing this post, I am supposed to be packing up as we are staying in a hotel across the street from the convention over the weekend. I just thought I should write my 4th and last post as a "soon to be" homeschool graduate. So here it is. hope you like it. after graduation I'll write all about it and maybe even have some pics :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

The reason I have decided NOT to go to college.....yet

Everyone asks me if I have any plans after graduation. The answer is no. and it's not necessarily that I am undecided. I have pretty much planed not to have plans. particularly in the area of college. I'm not going. which, I'm sure to some people,  might sound like a bad idea, and perhaps in some cases it is, but I don't think it is in my case. My reason for this decision? Well, there are several.
 Reason #1: I don't want to have to take out a whole bunch of student loans. I want to work for at least a year to save for it and then work my way through it so I won't have a bunch of debt when I get out
 Reason #2: I'm not sure what I want to study anyway. the only thing I'm really interested in is music but I'm not sure I want to pursue a career in that so I don't want to wast time study something I likely won't do. besides, I can take music lessons outside of a school if I want to.
 But my main reason is that I'm not sure what God has planned for my life. And I don't think He has just one thing for me. I think God wants me to be versatile and ready for anything He might want me to do. If He gives me an opportunity to do something for Him that requires higher education, I'm sure He will provide the way and make it clear to me that that's what He wants me to do. But so far He hasn't done that. so quit buggin' me!
OH! p.s, I finished my biology today and that was pretty much all I needed to get done! Hallelujah! and, I believe that is a needle and haystack miracle ;)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Just for fun..Toe nails

It has come to my attention that there are women out there who will not go out in flip flops or sandals with unpolished toe nails. I think this is absurd! what is wrong with the natural color of your toe nails? (unless they're yellow or green or something) I say that we should be able to go out with naked toe nails so long as they are neatly trimmed and free of infection. I'm going to put a poll at the bottom to see how many people are with me on this. (and I may even start a facebook page for it) LET YOUR TOES BE LIBERATED FROM THE BONDAGE OF POLISH!!
 P.S this is not to say that I don't wear nail polish occasionally, I just think it's silly to think you have to every time your toes will be showing

Monday, February 28, 2011

First Post! About the Title

So here I am, the girl who hates to write (and even worse, having people read what she writes) starting a blog...why am I doing this? I really don't know. I guess I got over some of my fear, or maybe I want to get over it, or maybe I just what to let people know what some of my thoughts on things are in more detail than facebook allows...yeah I think that last one is it. whatever the reason, I'm trying it out and we'll see how long I'll keep it.
 so you might be wondering about the title of the blog. It's actually the title of a song by Switchfoot. the song is about finding miracles in every day life. and that's what this blog will be about, finding miracles in my average, every day life.
 I may not be super smart, involved in some super exciting ministry, or have a really cool job. But I know that, for the moment, I'm exactly where God wants me to be, and I can do small things for him, from where I'm at, that will make a big difference in eternity. And that is Needle and Haystack Life